Tuesday, April 19, 2011

OctoMom and the Duggars

Below is a video of an interview with the OctoMom Nadya Suleman.  If you are not familiar with her story, you can view the video below and get a little look into her story.  She currently has 14 kids which she had artificially inseminated through en-vitro.  She used the same man for every procedure but he has not been involved at all in any of the children's lives.  Although she has help from friends and family it is clear that she struggles being a single mom.  Also, being involved in the media she often deals with rumors about her obsession to look like Angelina Jolie, her welfare checks, her inability to care for her children, and her relationship with her babies daddy.

On the other side of the spectrum there is a family, with a hit T.V. show, named the Duggars.  They are a very religious family that do not believe in contraception.  They currently have 20 children and may have more.  Having seen a couple episodes, it is surprising to see how loving the parents are toward each other and their children.  They have a clear concise plan laid out each day for each child and, with the occasional 'fit', they are very well behaved children who respect their siblings and parents.

1. These two stories are similar in a lot of ways, but also very different in the way they are portrayed.  Do you think that because Nadya, the Octomom, has no father figure in her children's lives that they can never have a life like the Duggars, or is that just circumstance?

2. When you hear of friends or family having twins or triplets, you tend to think of all the hard work that lays ahead of them.  Do you think having that many kids, like the Duggars and Nadya, is just too many to be able to give all of them enough attention and care?

3.  The Duggars religion plays a huge role in their family.  Regardless of religion do you think it would be appropriate to consider the option of contraception or that it is important to stay strong to your beliefs no matter the situation?

-Lauren Bellm


  1. 1. I think the portrayal of Nadya is because of her cirmumstances more so than the absence of a father. She was on welfare when she had her children via in vitro fertilzation. That is an expensive procedure that she could not afford and, therefore, shouldn't have had. I don't believe you should get something you can't afford. It's like buying a car after losing your house.

    2. I don't think that's too many kids. Its all a matter of how much time and attention you put into the child. With the Duggar family, the mother doesn't work so she's able to put in the time and make sure all the kids get the attention they need. Most people only have a certain amount of children that they feel comfortable with; for some people it's one or two while it may be more for others.

    3. I watched the Duggars early on so I know they used contraception until she had a miscarriage. After that they decided contraception was not for them and they were going to leave it to God how many kids they had. It works for them. Their children are productive members of society and they have a way to financially and emotionally support all of their children. In their case I say they should stay strong to their religion. If they were struggling I would say that was their sign from God to use contraception but because they make it work I don't oppose what they do.

    Sloane H.

  2. 1) I agree with Sloane to some extent, but I also believe the fact that the father is not there raises a red flag. You have all these children ,but yet you don't have another stable provider other than yourself. They can have a life like the Duggars it's just not going to be as easy as their life may seem. Also you have to take in consideration their on TV and Nadya isn't. I'm sure people see that and have some kind of feeling about that. I don't think the father aspect plays a role though.

    2) Attention yes care I would say maybe cause each child is going to require a different amount of both. As for having all those kids if you can afford it go for it ,but if you can't you shouldn't. With care come expenses and if you can't provide you shouldn't do it.

    3) Although peoples religious view are strong in some cases like health wise it may be necessary to use contraception. If the issue of health is raised when it comes to a child at any means necessary should you prevent harming or putting that child's health at risk. That's my opinion.


  3. 1. I thing that Nadya can have a life just has successful as the Duggars. Just because she has no ‘baby daddy’ does not mean that her children are unhappy or that her family is unsuccessful. I think that people are judging her about things that have nothing to do with her ability to be a good mother.
    2. Although it would take extra work, I don’t think that having many kids would negatively affect the kids themselves. I believe that a good parent would be a good parent no matter what, not just if they have a certain number of kids.
    3. I believe it is the Duggars personal choice if they want kids or not. They believe in no contraception, and they love having children so there is no reason for them not to have children. Someone with conflicting interests would have to weigh their options.
    -Cheyane Frizzell

  4. 1. I think that both families can have a successful life, however, I feel like Nadya will have a more difficult time. Being a single mom is a very difficult thing with just one child, much less 14, 3 of whom have special needs. Also the economy is doing horribly and small families are having problems. I do not know her situation, but I don't see how she can financially, physically, and emotionally support all of those children all on her own.
    2. I think it would be very difficult to give that many children equal time. Of course you can love them all, there is no question about that. But being able to go to their events, take them to their extracurriculars, help them with homework, and have intimate conversations with all of them seems extremely hard.
    3. A large portion of the time people who have this view of contraception also believe in waiting until marriage to have sex. Therefore, it is more acceptable to not use contraception after you are already married. Personally, I feel that regardless of your views a couple needs to think about their resources and if they would be capable of having a child and make their decisions about contraception based on that. Even after you already have children I believe parents still need to think about what is best for the children they have and the children that could come over anything else.

    Alyssa K.

  5. 1. I also agree that it is Nadya's living situation for the reason why she is scrutinized so much, rather than the fact that there is no father present in her children’s. She already had six children and was barely making it by before she got pregnant. Her becoming pregnant again, in my opinion is quite baffling and irresponsible. If Nadya was able to support her children without being on welfare or disability I believe more people would support her having more kids.

    2. I do think that having a certain amount of kids does take away from being able to provide an adequate amount of attention and care to children. Especially in Nadya situation. Her three year old son has autism and needs a great amount of attention and care. This attention takes away from the other children and now is most likely going to take away attention even more now that Nadya has eight more children.
    3. I think it is important to consider the option of contraception after you have kids. Parents should consider if they can support another child. If they cannot, than I think they should use contraception. A family’s age also depends on weather they should use contraception or not. Women over the age of 35 who are pregnant are more likely to have a child with a disability. A child should never be at harm, so I believe it just depends on your situation really on to use contraception’s or not.

    -Chris M.
