Thursday, April 28, 2011

Morality on 16 and Pregnant OR Teen Mom

Me personally I dislike the show because of how it depicts the people involved especially the mothers before the pregnancy and after. As we discussed in the class Wednesday the issue of morality, when the show first comes on the teens are portrayed in this positive light. Then all of sudden you hear those tragic words,BUT "I'm pregnant" after they just shed this positive image on us as them being all goodie goodie. Is it not possible to still be positive and pregnant. It's like they don't give a lot of the mothers a alternative motive. After their image is "destroyed" for having a baby is when all the problems come along for instance Leah and Corey who are now in a custody battle for their twins or Jenelle who has been on youtube fighting and all has a record ( )

1) Do you think the pressure of being in the spot light is to much pressure for these youth mothers like Janelle, Leah, and Amber?

2) Do you think MTV takes into consideration what effect they will have on these families when they cast these people?

3) Could the fact that the Teens are receiving money play a factor in their deviant actions?


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